
Should I Learn Bootstrap 3 Or 4

Ask HN: Should I larn Bootstrap 3 or iv at this moment?
106 points past utt on Dec 27, 2016 | hibernate | past | favorite | 108 comments
I noticed Bootstrap 4 has non been released yet. Is it close to being released or should I still learn and use Bootstrap 3 at this moment?

Learning Bootstrap 3 or 4 should take you very little time, I would advise you don't learn either of them, but instead take the fourth dimension to larn CSS (I am of course bold you are non already a CSS wiz).

You tin can look at the source of Bootstrap to encounter how they achieved sure things if you lot'd similar, but if you're doing anything more than prototyping (and even then), I feel there is very lilliputian benefit to using Bootstrap these days.

Once I was told to ignore Bootstrap and simply create my css myself (using Sass or CSS Modules) I observe I'm making the aforementioned recommendations to others. It doesn't take long and you'll have a much better idea of what is happening on your page.

Your html and css should end upward being much smaller as well.

Yes, you lot should larn CSS. Whether or not you should scroll your own bespoke CSS/JS for interface components depends on the projection. You will larn a lot more about CSS if yous do it yourself.

Withal, I encourage near folks to just use Bootstrap (or Foundation). They're non hard to learn, handle a lot of browser issues for you, are easily customizable, and are very well documented.

If someone e'er tells you that Bootstrap is "bloated" or that they "don't similar its blueprint choices", they've probably never seen

Equally a programmer, I strongly adopt picking upwardly projects that but use an established framework. No, it's not difficult to go through someone's crappy CSS/JS components, but it's just another thing to think nigh. Let someone else write the JS for dropdown interactions and just build your app.

If y'all're starting from a vector design (designed in Sketch for example) and need to convert it into a pattern, would you recommend using Bootstrap'south components and overriding them, or is it easier to roll everything yourself?

This depends on how closely your designer'due south ideas tin can be mapped to existing Bootstrap components. If it's a very conceptual project (perhaps an infographic or production advert) information technology may exist better to start from scratch.

Most of the fourth dimension though, I endeavour to limit the extent of my designer's vocabulary by having them utilize a sketch template and see how far they get. There are iOS, Android, and fifty-fifty a Bootstrap template that they tin can start with: https://world wide

All of those usually resolve into components that can be mapped to something in Bootstrap or Foundation. If your designer can't solve an interface problem with something from those templates, that's often a sign that in that location's a bigger problem in your app's construction.

I'm a backend dev who did a footling frontend hither and in that location over a decade ago (and has sorta kept upwardly since then out of curiosity). Then I know CSS decently well, simply still demand to expect things up here and in that location, and I certainly don't know all the bleeding-edge stuff.

And then yes, you should larn CSS, at least so you understand how web technologies work, in full general. Just not learning/using Bootstrap (equally the parent recommends), if yous recall that volition brand your life easier, seems lightheaded. I recently had to do a couple frontend projects for the first time in said over-a-decade-ago, and I found Bootstrap like shooting fish in a barrel to pick up (information technology took like a half hour), and made things a lot easier than rolling my own CSS, for very footling cost.

To really answer the OP'due south question, it depends on what you need to do. If you're starting new projects, but larn BS4. I did that back in February, and it worked out well for me. If yous take to deal with some existing projects that utilize BS3, you'll of course demand to larn that. Only they're then piece of cake to utilise, that if you lot already understand how HTML and CSS work (if you don't, of course that should be your step ane), you don't need to really "learn" it so much as read through the section on the layout model, and start building a folio/site/app, looking at the reference docs equally you get along when y'all want to add a dropdown or navbar or something.

A swell resources for digging into the nitty gritty fundamentals of layout (the hardest part of CSS, in my listen):

I came across this when I was looking to gain a more consummate mental model of how CSS layout works, every bit opposed to to the odd array of tricks, approaches, and googling I had been relying thus far.

Good stuff. I did observe that the normalize.css of Skeleton hadn't been updated since 2014. Is in that location a more update version of "normalize" out there, or is information technology still pretty much apropos today?

True this. But

* Learning CSS is not the first priority of a bootstrapped business. The cost associated with a 100kb of css is much lesser compared to creating a layout and all other styles.

* Learning CSS to create a whole layout from scratch can exist a daunting task for the uninitiated.

* The best approach would be to start the project with Bootstrap, create a winning product, and iterate to find the best layout you need. Then in a subsequent release, you can redo the same using css. CSS Flex is very piece of cake in one case you lot become the hang of it and you lot do not need any other css layout framework.

I don't recall he's request whether he should larn CSS or Bootstrap, just what version of Bootstrap he should larn.

Yeah, but I remember it's pretty safety to assume that if you are asking _that_ question is because you probably need to larn CSS first...

I know CSS pretty well and Bootstrap versions are no longer an important concern to me (I tin can pick up either just by looking at the docs).

I don't know why you lot would retrieve that, honestly.

He'southward basically request if Bootstrap 4 is ready to be used. Nothing to do with knowing CSS.

> Q: Should I learn Bootstrap 3 or iv?

> A: Learn CSS

This is not helpful and does not answer the question.

I retrieve information technology would depend on how much time you lot are willing to put in and how far you lot desire to go.

If you are primarily a back end programmer and yous only want to chop-chop throw down a few image pages. If you will never actually need more than that, just spending a couple of hours learning bootstrap volition be a much better use of time than spending a few weeks learning all the intricacies of css.

I spent years fighting with css. Information technology was such a relief when Bootstrap and friends came out and just removed a whole layer of complexity from my occasional forays into the front end.

Yeah, I retrieve that if you don't know CSS then learning that (rather than bootstrap 3 vs iv) is the right reply.

None of these technologies are all that hard. Like, they are easy enough that I don't understand it as a question...

if y'all know CSS/ SASS and that stack, they accept about an hour to figure out the main points and get rolling. Simply even if you don;t know inappreciably any CSS then they still take similar a solar day or so, and the principles are pretty much the aforementioned.

And equivalent question is "should I learn Sublime or Notepad++". If y'all understand what they practice, pick one and if it stops being a matter you lot can use for whatever reason then acquire the other, because the hard part of understanding what id going on with them is conceptually the aforementioned between them.

Yes and at the same time all devs should learn assembly so they have a better idea what'due south going on with their program.

My advice is to ever understand the layer below what you're working with.

Learning assembly is worthwhile if y'all're programming in C.

Learning CSS is worthwhile if you're designing websites using Bootstrap.

Perhaps fifty-fifty more chiefly though, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML take a longevity that's tremendously longer than any given framework. My understanding of these technologies from 15 years ago remains relevant today, and although there'due south been a lot of new features added, I tin build upon that cognition to incrementally learn new things. And I'm confident that in another 15 years from at present, knowledge of these web technologies that underpin all the frameworks will notwithstanding be relevant. The same can't be said of Bootstrap four.

>> My understanding of these technologies from 15 years agone remains relevant today,

I have almost the exact opposite experience. I use next to nothing I learned eight years ago today when I'grand building apps and websites.

- Bladder based layouts? Nope, everything is a grid arrangement these days.

- Browser inconsistencies? Nope, they're nigh all gone except if y'all still have to support legacy browsers. All the quirks of every IE version I used to have memorized? They're all merely forgotten now and I don't demand them.

- I used to be a whiz with Wink. Nobody uses wink anymore. CSS animations, transitions, and ameliorate javascript rendering libraries take rendered my Flash skill prepare irrelevant.

- I used to only have to worry most how my sites rendered on desktops. Now, everything is mobile, mobile, mobile and has to be responsive. More and more than media queries to handle all those weird outliers of screen sizes.

- I never had to think about UI/UX patterns. Now, it's almost all I practise nowadays. Brand sure this is touch enabled, how tin a user use this app on a phone? Are you hiding menus when you should exist showing them? Does a desktop user even know what a "hamburger" menu is? A/B testing out the ass to make absolutely sure you accept the right color/shade/hue of a button so the user clicks on it.

- When I offset started, I never had to know Javascript. The places I worked had JS plugins all written for you. All yous had to do was copy/paste a snippet and yous were done. Prototypical inheritance? Closures? A functions "this" keyword and how information technology works? Never, ever had to know that stuff. Now I have to know all that, and a TON more.

I'd say on average my skill set tends to do a 100% turnover about every 2-three years. That's not to say I don't still use some of the bones understanding of HTML and CSS that I learned right off the bat such as selector classes and pseudo classes or the difference between elements and tags. But on the whole, I'm constantly having to acquire new techniques, new standards, and generally anything that's existence added to the HTML5 or CSS3 specs. I've really quit jobs considering I felt like what I needed to know to do the work was too easy and my skills were just eroding while I was there.

Agreed. The biggest matter I look for when interviewing new developers isn't "how much do you know about X framework", information technology'due south "could you implement all of that without the framework?". Knowing bootstrap won't practice y'all that much good if you don't understand how/why it does what it does. Similarly, I need that Java developers are able to describe the underlying 'how' of Spring, rather than regurgitating tutorials from the Cyberspace.

I interview developers also. I don't expect developers to be great designers. I expect them to know the nuts of CSS and how selectors piece of work, but that's about it. I'thousand fine if they aren't advanced CSS whizzes. I do wait them to know JavaScript including how prototypes work, scoping, etc.

Information technology's not the same thing. A similar comparison would be:

- Larn Javascript before you learn React etc.. - Learn Python before you learn Django etc .. - Learn LANGUAGE before y'all learn FRAMEWORK

In a parallel universe there must be a non-sarcastic version of you lot, and I agree with them. I genuinely believe that devs should have at least some familiarity with any flavour of assembly.

I'll actually reply your question.

I've been using Bootstrap 4, since it'south already stable and will come out in a few months anyway, and then I won't have to upgrade someday before long.

If yous utilize libraries that depend on Bootstrap, you might want to check compatibility. I was using Bootswatch and the developer didn't upgrade the lawmaking to Bootstrap 4 until a few weeks ago. Other than that, I meet no reason non to utilize the latest version.

I'k surprised by all the comments proverb that you don't take to learn Bootstrap but you can only wait up the components every fourth dimension you lot need to apply them, suggesting you use Skeleton, or that if you use Bootstrap you lot don't desire to learn/know CSS. Nonsense.

There's also an other reason to go with the "almost released" 1 when starting a new project: bootstrap has been historically painful to drift.

Upgrading major bootstrap version means changing class names in whole codebase (like the classes for grid system), changing html code for some components which have been updated, and having to remove other components altogether and get with your own sauce because components were removed.

This has been the instance for all previous major bumps, and there is no sign of it existence whatever unlike this time, so better save a migration and go straight with bs-4.


The other day I was looking at Bootstrap 3 documentation by error instead of Bootstrap 4 and it was completely dissimilar, with some components missing altogether.

Exercise people actually "learn" Bootstrap?

I've been using the version 1, ii and 3 and I've never felt similar I needed to learn information technology. Commonly I just open the doc when I demand to use something.

Yeah, people are maxim, "No, acquire CSS!" merely isn't CSS exceedingly simple?

Why can't I just use Bootstrap because I don't feel similar designing an app, and Bootstrap is the fastest way to get a consequent layout on web and mobile? What's it got to do with learning at all?

> "No, learn CSS!" but isn't CSS exceedingly simple?

No, it'south non. I don't want to commencement a CSS flame war, but at least for layout / positioning I struggle every single time with CSS, especially on sites with dynamic content. CSS is my least favorite office of the web evolution stack past far.

I concord whole-heartedly. Frontend spider web development is broken in that sense. In no way does it brand sense to ascertain a layout through a Stylesheet. Most of the other frontend "languages" go this. HTML needs layout tags, e.g. for grids and panels.

AMEN. It's easy to write CSS. Just hacking away until something works... Information technology's hard to write Skilful css and if y'all accept any ounce of skilful programming taste it's difficult.

You cannot use Flexbox if you are targeting the enterprise market, since they are often stuck on old versions of IE due to deadening moving and draconian It departments.

Truthful, simply since I startend using CSS frameworks I didn't have likewise write much of it.

Everyone opting for "exercise your own CSS" and not using a framework, is absolutely a horrible idea. You will not be the only one writing CSS for long term for your app I assume, whatsoever new member will find it extremely difficult where to change following some good standards. They might miss a lot of things or overdo things maybe.

Regarding learning BS3 or BS4, I'd opt for BS4. All you have to know what things BS4 provide and utilize them accordingly. Not to mention, some fairly practiced CSS knowledge is besides a pre-requisite. I of the themes we recently used is startUI (google for it). It'south on BS4 and the components were easy to integrate in apps.

On a serious note, I believe the befitting proverbial advice is, "Give a Man a Fish, and Y'all Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and Yous Feed Him for a Lifetime."

You said "learning", and so I'd notwithstanding suggest learning the actual CSS. Of course, when y'all become a bit comfortable with it, you'd take already learned Bootstrap.

Here is how I'd for;

- Use Bootstrap 4 or even three to learn your CSS. Utilize information technology, get through the source codes and learn from at that place. - Continue doing CSS (feel free to try other frameworks as well) and you should be on your way.

The illustration I can find is that quite a lot of people "learned" jQuery. Then, they figured out that it is, well, JavaScript. They got intrigued, went backward and learned JavaScript. Many enterprising developers accelerate and 'learn' other frameworks too.

I used to exist in the camp where my take was, "acquire the actual raw CSS and JavaScript - that's the way to larn." But my experience dealing with juniors, and new developers is that not everyone tin just learn something. In fact, a lot of people do non know how to acquire things the right way. They demand to first larn to learn new things.

So, have information technology piece of cake on yourself, start with something yous can starting time off (and produce something y'all're proud of) and brainstorm learning real CSS in the process.

Well, my team specialize mostly in fixing projects shoved down by developers using Bootstrap, where the enterprises needed to get to market quickly. One time they accomplish critical bloat-stage, we go in to clean-upward, make the sites 10-30 times faster by removing all of Bootstrap and other frameworks and staying really lean (utilise a minimal framework or a very low footprint ane.) We, sometimes, finish up developing the "Bootstraps" for these companies.

How do you know he doesn't know CSS already?

Why preaching about learning CSS while he's just asking about Bootstrap 3 vs. Bootstrap 4?

Ah! My bad. My assumption is that if someone is request if s/he should acquire Bootstrap 3 or 4, s/he might still exist trying to figure out what to acquire to get to the side by side step in HTML/CSS/JS development.

If due south/he is already proficient with CSS, s/he might not exist asking that question.

I might have extrapolated this matter a scrap, oasis't I!

I don't know, I know CSS extremely well, simply I use Bootstrap on a daily ground.

Yous save a lot of time, other coders tin can potentially exist able to see what you lot did in your code right away and work on the project without a problem, in that location are hundreds of themes available, etc. etc.

I'm paid to build useful features, not reinvent the wheel.


Information technology depends on what you lot want to optimize for. If you're starting a startup and you anticipate having a dedicated design team, I think y'all're meliorate off making your markup match your domain and hand-rolling the CSS instead of using a framework like Bootstrap. This is the ideal approach IMO because information technology lets yous much more effectively go on the styling out of the markup and in the stylesheets. CSS frameworks past definition require you lot to put styling in your markup.

But if you're just trying to blindside out a small projection quickly and take it await prissy without needing to muck with CSS too much, then a framework can be very useful. These days I prefer Semantic UI over Bootstrap:

> CSS frameworks by definition require you to put styling in your markup.

How do mixin-based CSS frameworks require you to put styling in your markup?

Oh, I might non be aware of that blazon of CSS framework. Can y'all point me to some examples? I was thinking of frameworks like Bootstrap and Semantic UI.

It doesn't thing. Because no thing what tech you use in the web app space, information technology will all exist obsolete in a year or 2. Your apps will never be done, considering the sand will shift underneath them. You'll need to continually update them to go along them working, or abandon them.

I think it'due south better to ignore the world of framework hype and simply code to the browser APIs as described past the standards. You can basically guarantee that your site will still piece of work 10 years from now and that your cognition will still be relevant (though y'all'll need to continue up to appointment with new features e.g. flexbox).

I personally detect it more work to learn frameworks and deal with the leaky abstractions inherent in them than to work with the browser directly. Especially when I striking a case where I want to practice something that the framework authors didn't cater for and I end upward having to go down to the browser APIs to implement information technology anyhow.

In the short term, it's a bigger investment to learn the underlying technologies, but in the long term information technology pays off large time, since you don't cease up being stuck with something that sounded great ii years ago when you started your project but is no longer maintained.

Why wash your apparel? Brand your bed? Brush your teeth?

You lot're going to exist in the dirt eventually anyway...

The answer you want is to use Bootstrap 3. The reason is that you are new and tutorials will be written for that version. Although generally speaking I would start with 4, you also don't want to burn out on stupid unfinished/incomplete work. Don't burn out when you are just starting!

What browsers do you need to support? Version #4 dropped back up for IE9. If IE is of import for your business and then version #three is currently the better option.

Now, learning bootstrap is non too bad. All you need to donis figure out how it defines the layout filigree, how it handles margins, padding, and gutters, and how to utilise unlike classes to make the site responsive. Should take a couple of days. Ping me if yous need help. :)

I'm also using Bootstrap 4a5 without issues on a small site that I initially upgraded from Bootstrap iii mostly out of curiosity, and then pushed alive when I didn't discover any major issues.

Since it's a "major rewrite of about the entire project"[1], I can't recommend that new Bootstrap users invest any fourth dimension in Bootstrap iii.


I've used BS2 and 3 in the past, and wouldn't recommend bootstrap at all these days. You're better off with something like Bourbon which is much more modular and lightweight and doesn't force you into a certain "style" and eventually down the "override everything" rabbithole.

I started using bootstrap from Bootstrap 1 and it was not hard to start using two or 3 - the basic conceptual framework remains near the aforementioned and most of the implementation anyway requires the Bootstrap documentation open on the side for reference.

However, I would recommend to move away from Bootstrap to Textile design for case, I feel (after using both) Material design is more well though framework and it also has bindings with Angular (that is if you are edifice athwart apps) through [angular-textile]( At that place is also standalone framework [](

Then there is a very particular documentation on how to think like [Material design]( way past Google . Checkout the components department from the carte du jour, it is actually nice they way explain the theory behind why each component the mode it is

I'd get-go with 3 then migrate to 4. As well, learn Flexbox as it will be enabled by default in BS4. is a nice introduction. There's one more than breakpoint in BS4. The css grade to brand images responsive has changed for the third time in 3 releases. Other than that, basically the same. I've been toying with it.

I practice a lot of forepart-cease development these days, simply I all the same feel that my CSS skills are weak. CSS is (for whatever reason) difficult for me. Does everyone have whatsoever CSS learning resource that have exercises? In that location's plenty of books out there, only I really need a guided, hands-on learning experience.

I can't aid only ask a bigger flick question: "What are you lot trying to exercise or what is your end goal"?

If you lot are trying to roll out some new software for a startup or project and you desire it to look good and semi unique then I recommend only ownership a theme with all the necessary components (dashboard, graphs, whatever) you need. Themes are pretty cheap these days. Usually one of these themes has picked some sort of "foundation" library and you tin then learn that.

Basically forcefulness yourself to pick past necessity and non what the "future" should be...

To answer this question, I'm more interested in how do you learn it first.

All these frameworks are merely Re-create & PASTE the pre-fabricated code. For case, yous wanna push in that style:

Copy that code and paste into your HTML. Whatever v3 or v4 are the aforementioned fashion.

If your learning way is memorizing the code without checking the certificate each time, then I'd say v3.

Copying and pasting wouldn't work, because many times y'all demand to customize things.

Likewise, what a nightmare would be to await it up every time yous need to employ a component!

Of course learning it ways to acquire components by heart, just like you don't look up built-in functions every time when yous employ a programming language.

Is information technology but me? I don't recite the congenital-in functions (intentionally) before I code. I will look into doc when I want to find a shortcut. It's very efficiently.

Take Bootstrap as an example, I open the following doc:

If I want a Modal, I will check Modal doc (accurately, I spring to CODE Design and copy it, non starting to read doctor caption.) and use information technology. After few times, you will memorize the bones by heart. (understands the basic, then you can create your snippets or something. Myself, I still open up the doc to run across the visual examples. Anyhow, I coded with a lot of frameworks in different projects at the same time, not just spring to Bootstrap. You need to observe your best workflow yourself)

EDITED: "customize things" seems non suitable to the questioner at the moment. If he understands basic CSS, he may not ask this question. :)

I don't know if information technology'southward just you lot, but if I had to practice that I would take nigh x times a long equally I have right now to build something.

It'due south much easier to memorize them in my stance.

What methods of memorization do you use?

As a backend dev moving from python to ruby, I've been thinking of explicitly sitting down and learning-by-rote a lot of the standard library but so that I could motility faster and feel less scattered. Exercise yous make flashcards?

What things exercise you lot actual memorize? All structures code and classes and JS methods & events?

Yup. All of that, and then that I can code a component from scratch without looking at the docs.

It also comes from practice, if y'all use Bootstrap often you lot'll but memorize the components later a while.

If you have time, strength yourself to do a small project with both. Whichever feels more natural to you is probably the route yous should take.

Personally, I would be hesitant to go with v4 considering of losing support for older IE browsers HOWEVER v4 is built on flexbox, and so it should in theory exist a petty bit more of a sane implementation.

I would do some more inquiry on what are the differences, it seems like with v4, they are making the API a lilliputian bit more simpler, merely I haven't dived into it yet.

I call back information technology would be valuable to you to give HN a piffling more insight to your item prepare of skills and your purpose.

I say this because I personally have dived head first into using a CSS framework without starting time fully understanding a few key CSS fundamentals. This fabricated front-end piece of work very hacky and involved a lot of trial and error.

Farther forth the line I've besides been burned one time or twice by adopting a CSS framework, just to have breaking changes from time to come updates.

So really it depends on your situation, whatever it may exist.

Another vote for "Consider alternatives".

I happen to like Semantic UI a lot, but you can also consider something smaller and less proscriptive than Bootstrap, like Skeleton or UIkit.

Nosotros had the same thought over a twelvemonth ago. We cull Bootstrap iv but information technology was a big headache because the Javascript plugins were and still are quite busted. I would choose BS3.

you tin learn it within one-2 hours, start with B4. If you want to lean more check the source code if it's css. Also check , information technology has more widgets and styles. follow UI/UX trends to see how things can be organize in dissimilar ways, Pinterest might aid y'all to find/follow more designs.

Given that they've been working on four for so long, I'd learn iii now since information technology works and the drift to four when it's ready. And for the record, I'm tired of anybody bashing Bootstrap. I'm using it for a product site and I dear it. I'm a one-man shop and I need to earn acquirement at present. I can't afford to spend the next six months learning the quirks of CSS and its crummy layout techniques. Bootstrap has allowed me to create a responsive website that works well beyond all devices. It also looks much more professional than what I could have done on my own, not to mention the fact that my site looks much improve than those of my competitors. I'g grateful that Bootstrap is effectually.

I had to build something back in February (hadn't done any existent webdev in >ten years), and picked up BS4 in a half hour and started using it in production. No issues doing so; the "alpha" moniker seems to exist the developers erring on the side of circumspection and reserving themselves the right to make user-visible changes.

If you don't know the differences between versions three or 4 all the same... My recommendation would exist to start with bootstrap 4. You lot'll learn the downsides by the requirements of your project... perhaps this is the hard way but that's the style to larn... Facing bug...

If y'all don't programme to support IE9 so past all means use Bootstrap four. Merely keep in mind that Bootstrap (or any CSS framework) are non a perfect solution for not learning CSS. Sooner or afterwards you will demand to modify bootstrap or create your own styles.

The differences are not that large to make a difference in "learning".

If your question was should I apply three or iv, then my answer would be, depends on your project.

Simply for learning, the version doesn't make much of a difference as the general principles are the same.

The question I'd enquire myself is are there whatsoever features of 4 you really need right at present? If not utilise 3, equally it is more product ready. Using 4 right now you are potentially walking into a minefield. You lot might get in through ok only yous might non.

Just a note - the top left MapleNest logo looks pixelated/blurry on a retina screen.

When you kickoff on an old engineering you instantly incur a learning debt.

i.e. you will have to acquire the new thing at some fourth dimension in the future so may also not incur that debt and go straight to the hereafter.

When you start on a new technology, you have to endure the breaking changes, lack of customs support, and lack of skilled operators.

You also burn ane of your technology chits. You get just a few as a startup. Selecting all bleeding edge technology could kill you. Would love to know where I read that. :D

If you lot don't know either, the "larn Bootstrap" thing will exist a much bigger bargain than whether y'all learn 3 or 4.

This is doubly true if you don't know CSS in the first place.

I'd recommend you to larn BS3 as at that place are more tutorials available.

Y'all tin always switch to BS4. BS3 is not something that's getting obsolete.

I doubt there volition be much changed in terms of cadre functionality and use, so yes just go ahead and learn whatever is bachelor currently.

You could have learned either in the time you lot spent asking this question and reading the responses

FWIW I'd never use either on a production site. But for a quick-and-dingy internal site or to but play around with, I can't remember of whatsoever reason non to use iv.

The "CSS Frameworks" like Bootstrap, Foundation, etc. tend to be very opinionated and therefore, for some aspects, difficult to customize. The product sites on which I've worked mostly desire to project their own unique identity and not look similar the "million other Bootstrap sites on the internet." It ofttimes ends up beingness harder to override the BS/Foundation/etc. styles than simply creating a framework from scratch.

Besides, as others have noted, the large frameworks tend to exist ... well ... big. That can definitely drag down operation if you're forcing a bunch of CSS into a browser that isn't actually needed by the site.


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